Friday, May 15, 2009


Hello, my name is Francisco Sánchez, I'm nineteen years old. I've lived in Santiago of Chile all my life

I'm in second year of Veterinary Medicine at Univercity of Chile. I like pets very much; dog, cat, horse, fish and other species and love the sport, specially football soccer, tennis, futsal, swimming and rally.
Mi objetive with this blogs is learn a bit more english, to communicate with other persons in this language and to know a major vocabulary. I hope writing in this blog your commentaries
I hope you like my blog and if you have similar interest, writing in this blog your commentaries...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Francisco! of course I remember you...we played taca-taca together :B
    You are a very sportsman guy :) but you practise all those sports?
    see you in class! bye
