Wednesday, May 27, 2009

One of the technological pieces with I like more is the computer. This creation is one of the most important in the word, because, in this time, everything are handling for this tecnology (companies, cars, etc).

I have one computer in my house, and my brother and my sister too. This`s elementary in my study, because the classes are in power point (ppt) with images and sketch. I play in the computer too, for example Age Of Empires, Surffing in Internet, speaking in msn and other uses.

I use the computer everyday, in the afternoon for study or relax me awhile. I like the computer for this reason, beacause I can do many different things, for example search information related with different regards (biology, histology, physiology, etc) or give me informer of the events that happen in the word.

My life without computer would be tragic, because my life is handling around the computer, my study, my moment of relax, my communication to the word, etc. This technological object in inavoidable in my life..........

Friday, May 15, 2009


Hello, my name is Francisco Sánchez, I'm nineteen years old. I've lived in Santiago of Chile all my life

I'm in second year of Veterinary Medicine at Univercity of Chile. I like pets very much; dog, cat, horse, fish and other species and love the sport, specially football soccer, tennis, futsal, swimming and rally.
Mi objetive with this blogs is learn a bit more english, to communicate with other persons in this language and to know a major vocabulary. I hope writing in this blog your commentaries
I hope you like my blog and if you have similar interest, writing in this blog your commentaries...
